Monday, December 14, 2009

How do you use clean and clear blackhead scrub?

what do you have to do first, second, etc...How do you use clean and clear blackhead scrub?
wet your face with warm water and wash it with a facial cleanser.

then rinse cleanser off well.

then use blackhead scrub. (while face is still wet, or re wet it.)

start off by using just a little and add more if you need it. rub it around gently for 30 seconds to a minute. read the back - it should tell u if you should use it daily or a few times a week.

then rinse it off well and follow with your moisturizer.How do you use clean and clear blackhead scrub?
ok first of all clean and clear blackhead SCRUB wont work so don't buy it. when you scrub a pimple or blackhead it irritates a hormone that produces more oil therefore producing more pimples.

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